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ZenFone Max Series
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Forum Posts

Unlock Bootloader

ZF Model: ZB570TLRAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: WW_Phone-15.02.1810.380-20181130Frequency of Occurrence: 1.5Rooted: NoAPP Name: Last edited by stefanizzifrancescogiuseppe on 2019/8/1 03:20 hello Asus ZB570TL, X018D I try to unlock the bootloader wit...

Downgrade problem

ZF Model: ZC520KLRAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: android 9Frequency of Occurrence: alwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: After downngrade from Android 9 BETA firmware to Android 8.1, the phone asks me for password. I have tried all variants of my passwords PIN code...

karloson by Star III
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wifi display not full wave

ZF Model: ZB633KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: android9.0Frequency of Occurrence: 5 jun 2019Rooted: NoAPP Name: android9.0Screenshot: 8.1 to 9.0 mobile not ...

Tolong di respon

ZF Model: RAM: Firmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: APP Name: Screenshot: Semakin lama masalah baterai setelah update ke pie makin parah. Segera fix bug nya admin


I'm trying to send pictures through messenger and it won't send them

eeb1021 by Star I
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Sistema com uma pequena falha

ZF Model: ZC520KLRAM: 2GFirmware/APP Version: ASUS_X00HD (ZC520KL)Frequency of Occurrence: 3Rooted: NoAPP Name: SistemaO smartphone fica com a tela totalmente escura , eu não sei o porquê , mais quando eu estou mexendo no meu Asus , a tela fica preta...