02-25-2020 08:22 PM
03-01-2020 11:32 PM
03-04-2020 06:40 AM
Jei_ASUS posted on 2020/3/2 10:32 Hi Slimov911, Could you show us an original video of the problem?Hi jey , Thanks for responding . Sorry it took me some time to share the videos . https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/s/8ACF90D74698462DA109E764771738704 And the second https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/s/A68C8A5CFE0B45C7861F87C8158E6B4D4 And these are the rear camera settings As you can see in night it is worse , the video don't stop flickering . Please note that i did not try other resolutions and front camera but i assume that it has same results . Please tell me as soon as you see the videos . Thank you 🙂