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Security patch 5 November 2019 stuck the security patch slow charge problem

Star I
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:ASUS_X00TD
Firmware Version:QKQ1.WW_Phone-17.2017.1911.407-20191223
Rooted or not:not rooted
Frequency of Occurrence:
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.


Zen Master III
Hi there, request you to update your device to the latest software version. You may click on the following link to download update manually, request you to read the instructions before upgrading and take a full backup of the device before. Click here:
Regarding the charging issue, , in order to help you kindly help us with the following details:
1. Kindly let us know the Charging time taken from 0 - 100%.
2. What's the charging time difference between the current & previous update.
3. Try another charger & let us know if there is any difference.
4. Use the ASUS charger on a different phone & let us know the difference.