06-25-2019 11:10 AM
06-28-2019 07:10 PM
07-01-2019 11:02 PM
joaoduarte360 posted on 2019/6/26 21:48 this happened when I opened the multitasking of the cell phone and the multitasking and home buttons ...Hi joaoduarte360, Thanks for your reply. Does it happen on any specific apps? Could you kindly show us a short video of the problem? To share videos, please upload it to ASUS WebStorage (https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/) and share the link with us. Hi maiko.bandeira, Does it happen on any specific apps or after any specific actions? Could you kindly show us a short video of the problem? To share videos, please upload it to ASUS WebStorage (https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/) and share the link with us. Thank you 🙂
07-03-2019 05:16 PM
Jei_ASUS posted on 2019/7/2 01:02 Hi joaoduarte360, Thanks for your reply.Excuse me Jei but this problem, there's no way to make it happen at least I can not. With me it happened 2x the same day while I was using the cell phone
07-10-2019 01:10 AM
joaoduarte360 posted on 2019/7/4 08:16 Excuse me Jei but this problem, there's no way to make it happen at least I can not. With me it ha ...Hi joaoduarte360 Sorry for our late reply.e do apologize for the poor experience and we'll do our best to assist. We've sent your private message. I would appreciate your reply. Thank you:)