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ZenFone Max Pro Series
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Forum Posts

BUG PIE WW-16.2017.1905.053 SKU WW

ZF Model: ZB602KLRAM: 3GFirmware/APP Version: WW-16.2017.1905.053Frequency of Occurrence: SERINGRooted: NoAPP Name: Last edited by agus.suhaibi on 2019/6/10 14:20 Selamat siang Developer Asus,saya merasa perangkat Zenfone Max pro m1 saya bermasala...

hello. wut u doink?

ZF Model: ZB630KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: 1905.065Frequency of Occurrence: sometimesRooted: NoAPP Name: Screenshot:

Quick launch icons on landscape mode

ZF Model: ZB602KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: Android 9 PieFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: Dear Asus, Quick launch icons on landscape mode don't show edit and setting icons. Please fix this

Notification panel need to be improved

ZF Model: ZB602KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: I can't use split screen or copy /past, thx asusFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: Notification menuThere are many unused space. First screen shot Red color bar: Add a brightness control, ...

Bugs in android P

Please fix the bugs, its to lots of bugs, brightening, touch delay, darkness self, volume, screen not respond, etc.

Aplikasi Caping

ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: CapingFrequency of Occurrence: CapingRooted: NoAPP Name: Capingmin mhn maaf.. mau tanya.. kalau aplikasi caping di uninstall lewat PC/Laptop (zenfone max pro m2) hp nya bakalan ngehang ga ?

No notification for Outlook app and Airbnb app

ZF Model: ZB602KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: Build: PKQ1.WW_Phone-16.2017.1905.053-20190513Frequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: Outlook and AirbnbDear,I don't receive the notifications from Outlook app and Airbnb app, never. A few day...

Notification bar

The battery Notif should be located next to the clock, because if the right is called to make the notification line full and the WiFi Notif can not be seen