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4g sim not working in my maxpro m1

Since last update, my 4g vodafone sim is not working in maxpro m1. I tried in both slots but it detects the sim but shows no service. In both the slots BSNL 3g sim is working fine and in my other phone both sims are working fine.I am facing issue in both android version 9 and 10. Anyone has solution for this

Will it be a software issue or hardware issue?

Zen Master III
Hi there, we'd suggest you to factory reset your phone after
taking a full backup :
If the problem still persists last option would be to visit the service center to have
a check. Locate here:

Star I

Since last update, my 4g vodafone sim is not working in maxpro m1. I tried in both slots but it detects the sim but shows no service. In both the slots BSNL 3g sim is working fine and in my other phone both sims are working fine.I am facing issue in both android version 9 and 10. Anyone has solution for this

4g sim not working in my maxpro m1
I have the same issue as well. As suggested by ASUS reset to factory settings but this has not worked. I have tried different 4g sims but it only shows as 3g and very poor signal strength. Looks like i have been sold a 2g mobile phone because signal strength is strong when set to 2g GSM and shows mobile data as EDGE. When I go to network search it comes as 4g forbidden on all networks in UK. This handset should not be sold as 4G LTE phone. Zenfone maxpro M1.