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layar hp pecah

Aku mau nanya, layar touchscreen hpku kan retak2 nih krn jatuh, tp efeknta gak sampe kena lcd, kena sih dikit tp masih bisa di kondisikan gt dan masih oke gt deh. Nah kalo hp asus zenfone live gini bisa gak ya cuma ganti touchscreen doang? Apa harus ...

Where is stable Android 10 on ZenFone Live L1/L2/Lite

it's been a year since they launched the AOSP beta of Android 10 and until today no news about the stable version, other similar devices from competing brands are already in stable versions for a long time I know we are not a priority, but it's been ...

Blue Filter On zenfone l2 octacore

Hello friends. I have a zenfone live L2 octacore, Android 8. However, I can't find the night mode and the blue filter. It seems that these options are blocked. Can someone help me?

Update version 5.0

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name:Firmware Version:Rooted or not:Frequency of Occurrence:APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to information above, please also provide as much det...

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