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it's been a year since they launched the AOSP beta of Android 10 and until today no news about the stable version, other similar devices from competing brands are already in stable versions for a long time I know we are not a priority, but it's been ...
Apenas uma dúvida, existe a probabilidade do Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL) ser atualizado para o Android 10?
Model Name: Zenfone Live L1Firmware Version: [8917/8937 10] WW-17.07.2003.405Rooted or not: Nor RooteedFrequency of Occurrence: Always========================================I know the device has the options but for some reason they are hidden
Model Name: Zenfone Live L1Firmware Version: [8917/8937 10] WW-17.07.2003.405Rooted or not: Nor RooteedFrequency of Occurrence: Always========================================I know the device has the options but for some reason they are hidden
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: Zenfone Live L1 (ZA550KL)Firmware Version: [8917/8937 10] WW-17.07.2003.405 (Android 10)Rooted or not: NOT ROOTEDFrequency of Occurrence: Always