11-27-2023 11:37 PM
Hi ZenFone 9 users,
We will soon have the newest Android system on ZenFone 9. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 14!
What is the Android Preview Program?
Android Preview Program lets users experience the newest Android system at the first stage and help us find and fix bugs. Since it is a preview version that may has some unexpected bugs, please deliberate before joining in this program.
Is the preview software confidential? How do I provide my feedback?
Yes, everything about preview software is confidential. Please do not publicly post information about the preview software, and don’t discuss or demonstrate it to others who are not in this program. A new board on ASUS official forum, ZenTalk, will be exclusively accessible by users who participate in this program. If you have any questions or bugs to report, please create a thread in this board for further help.
Will installing preview software void my hardware warranty?
No, your phone will not lose original warranty after this preview software installed.
How do I know if I have successfully enrolled in the Android Preview Program?
If you are chosen to be enrolled in the program, we will send an e-mail to you. However, if you are not enrolled, you will not be informed by any further notice. (To avoid you miss the e-mail, please check the e-mail address registered in ASUS Member is up-to-date.)
How do I leave the Android Preview Program and get prior software restored on my device?
Please submit your request by replying the notice mail.
How do I signup for the Beta Program?
Go to [Setting] > [System] > [System update] and click the gear icon at the top-right corner. Click "Enroll in Android preview Program" in the Settings.
03-18-2024 02:36 PM
Ano potvrzuji stejný problém, další problém je ten že jde zapnout režim letadlo při zamčeném telefonu.
03-18-2024 02:44 PM
Translating the below comment:
Yes, I confirm the same problem, another problem is that it is possible to turn on airplane mode when the phone is locked.
Wow, what a critical bug this is. Thanks buddy for pointing it out. Also bluetooth xan be enabled without unlocking the screen. These are critical ones. Anyone can just steal your phone and put your phone on airplane mode without unlocking it.
03-18-2024 08:32 PM
Prosím o urychlenou opravu,neni to moc dobra reklamama! At s tim podpora Asus značne urychlene neco delat!
03-27-2024 06:23 AM
@Laura_ASUS How about any new news about when the UBL tool will be available again?
03-28-2024 07:00 AM
Android 14 na Zenfone 9 to porażka, dostep do ustawień przy zablokowanym ekranie no i wysokie zurzycie baterii.
Jak zrobić downgrade do android 13?