07-20-2023 02:15 AM
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh kak. Saya mau komplain untuk produk Asus Zenfone 9 yg saya beli.
Pemakaian hp nya sudah sebulan lebih. Saya baca info dan keterangan nya bahwa Asus Zenfone 9 sudah memakai cas bawaan HyperCharge 30 watt. Saya juga sudah lihat review review di internet Zenfone 9 dapat mengisi daya hingga 50% dalam waktu kurang dari 30 menit. Berarti kurang lebih 1 setengah jam sudah terisi 100%. Kendala nya di sini semenjak saya pakai ini hp kalau saya cas, hp kadang 2 sampai 3 jam-an baru terisi penuh.
Tapi pernah sekali duakali dia dapat durasi cas yg normal 1½ jam-an. Di banding durasi yg normal lebih sering dia dapat di sekitaran waktu 2jam-an lebih. Padahal saya colok cas nya di soket yg sama. Saya juga tdk mengerti ini kesalahan produk nya atau bagaimana. Padahal saya sudah memakai cas bawaan nya yg sudah 30W.
07-21-2023 04:21 AM
Hey @Daengmule22,
Can you share a screenshot of the battery settings while your phone is charging?
07-21-2023 07:45 AM
I attach the photo with the icons during charging with the original and non-original power supply. Other factors may affect charging; charge percentage, cable... What appears is that with the original charger the phone always charges at 30W, but maybe the battery is managed differently? To make no mistake, I use a charger with lower Watts.
07-21-2023 09:20 AM
This is a problem that must be regulated once and for all. Not only do you have to adopt a connection standard such as USB-C, YOU ALSO HAVE TO REGULATE THE CHARGING PROTOCOL.
Each brand uses its own, to establish whether or not the charger can charge at a certain watt power. For much charger brand "X" capable of reaching 120w, maybe with our phone only supports 5 or 10w.
If there are some brands that take the charger out of the box when buying a phone, the charging protocol has to be standard.
07-26-2023 11:08 PM
I've been charging for an hour but the battery percentage has only increased by one percent
07-26-2023 01:53 AM
I've been charging for an hour but the battery percentage has only increased by one percent