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Android 14, Media Playback Bug in Lock Screen and Notification Control Panel Tray Bug

Star II

Okay so, I have updated my Zenfone 9 to Android 14, and so far I have been enjoying it. But then, what bothers me the most is that in lock screen, usually you don't need to unlock to be able to control your media. But somehow in this Android 14 version, you must unlock your device, then you can control your media. Please fix this in the next update! And also, it also has bugs when you open the notification tray with zero notifications. The control panel are all bugged as can be seen in my screenshot. 


This is our last android major update, so please for the next update fix these things! Thank you so much!


Star II

Hello, I'm sorry to tag you but please consider to see this problem. Thank you! 


Star II

Thank you so much ASUS team! Turns out that you guys fixed every problem that we all discovered. When there are no notifications, the control panel is not bugged. Then on the lock screen, you don't need to unlock it to be able to control the media like on the last android version. Well done! thank you do much for the support!



Hello Zentalk Asus Team,

After updating my Zenfone 9 to Android 14, I've encountered a frustrating media playback bug on the lock screen where I need to unlock the device to control media. This needs fixing in the next update. Additionally, the notification control panel has bugs when empty, as seen in my screenshot. I hope these issues get addressed soon, especially for those who use Spotify++ APK...Great & Appreciated Thread.

Best Regards!