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VoLTE and VoWIFI in Orange PL

Star III
I saw discussion in the post about VoLTE in Malaysia and saw that VoLTE is being brought to various networks there. I had hopes that VoLTE and VoWIFI would be introduced in this newest firmware update to users that use Zenfone8 in Orange PL network, however it did not happen.
I would like to ask Asus representatives on the information about that and possibly some time schedule, as I sinicirely believe that it is just the matter of time. I hope that this is not the question "if?" this is going to happen and rather "when?" !
Thanks in advance,

Rising Star I
Speaking of VoLTE/VoWIFI, why ZF8 does not support 5g in Orange(PL)?

We are constantly working together with several service providers to bring VoLTE to our devices, as mentioned above, the service provider can simply turn off the network if the devices are not yet accepted.

Star III

We are constantly working together with several service providers to bring VoLTE to our devices, as mentioned above, the service provider can simply turn off the network if the devices are not yet accepted.

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Thanks for the info! But could you please explicitly confirm, that you are working with Orange Poland on that matter? I just simply want to know if there is hope for VoLTE (and maybe VoWIFI).

Star III

We are constantly working together with several service providers to bring VoLTE to our devices, as mentioned above, the service provider can simply turn off the network if the devices are not yet accepted.

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Thank you for the information. If I manually enable VoLTE by #*#3642623344#*# on the dialer it works perfectly in T-mobie CZ. After restart, I must reenable it again. Can you implement it in the new update? Thank you

Rising Star I
Udało mi się dowiedzieć paru rzeczy u źródła - Orange PL.
Telefon nie przeszedł testów do certyfikacji dla ww. usług.
Dostałem poradę o założenie tematu na - jeśli będzie duży odzew - operator ponowi testy w celu certyfikacji i jest szansa na aktywację.

Kto zainteresowany proszę o podbijanie tematu tu (proszę dodać https:// - dalej nie mogę osadzić linków na tym forum):

I managed to find out a few things at the source - Orange PL.
The phone has not passed the certification tests for the above-mentioned services.
I was advised to set up a topic on - if there is a big response - the operator will re-test for certification and there is a chance of activation.
Who is interested, please raise the topic here (please add https: // - I still cannot embed links on this forum):