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Let's Talk About ASUS Customer Service...

Rising Star II

I think everyone, including forum moderators, should check out this series conducted by Gamers Nexus. It does a very good job at illustrating the problems with ASUS Customer Service (or lack thereof).

Please, take the time to educate and inform yourselves about the slimy tactics, the deep denial, and then the *hopeful* redemption plan. We all know ASUS has demonstrated horrible anti-consumer behavior in the past, and it's documented now not just through our own experiences but also worldwide for the entire Interwebs to see. 

Just want to bring attention to more people.

This is their interview with Head of Customer Service and Senior Manager of Customer service, where they make promises to reform including specific actions and changes to methodologies:

It is long but worth the watch.

This is the story of what it took to get there:
Watch Part 1 (ASUS Scammed Us): 
Watch Part 2 (ASUS Says We're Confused): 
Watch Part 3 (ASUS On Government's Radar): 

All credit to Gamers Nexus. I hope this seriously inspires change in the company's actions and culture going forward. This is the only way you will win back very bitter customers is by accountability, restitution, and change.