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ZenFone 8 Flip
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Forum Posts

[Game Genie] APK new version for ZenFone 8 Flip only

If you have issue of Game Genie inactivity and crash, please download and install the new version of Game Genie from link below to fix this issue. This APK version is for Android 13 on ZenFone 8 Flip only, and please check the Android version first o...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
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Proximity Sensor issue

Running Android 12. Firmware version 31.1010.0411.119.Had an issue for the past month where the proximity sensor would always be detecting something nearby majority of the timeCauses the screen to go black during a call (which can be worked around vi...

rjnovak by Star I
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Weather widget does not start clock app.

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: Zenfone 8 FlipFirmware Version: 31.1010.0411.110Rooted or not: NoFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Asus Weather

maicol07 by Rising Star I
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Multiple patches of screen tint: new device

Hi,I just got my brand new Flip and it has multiple patches of screen tint. A big patch of red tint in the bottom right, and a big patch of green across the top. It's more noticeable at low brightness, but is still noticeable at high brightness ones....

necrys by Star I
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Control flip camera angle using Java

It is possible to flip 180 degrees by opening the front camera, but is it possible to control the flip to 90 degrees from Java? I would like some advice on how to do that.

Resolved! Security patches ........

It's now August 2022 and am still running on May 2022 security patch. Is this normal for an existing phone still under warranty and support??? Is this just Asus or are all manufacturers like this??

smchay by Rising Star I
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Project Treble

Question, is Asus supporting Project Treble? If yes, how come we still need to download firmware only can update monthly security patch etc.

smchay by Rising Star I
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