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No mobile internet after A11 update

Star II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: Zenfone 7 Pro
Firmware Version: A11
Rooted or not: not
Frequency of Occurrence: all the time
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
Since the A11 update mobile internet is not working. WIFI is working fine.
It asks me to sign in to the network and when I try to do it i get the error from the pic above.
No internet in any browsers or other apps...

Star III
Dude, I'm not the only one from Croatia here, nice! Hmm I'm on Bonbon and had no problems when I updated, but I did have similar problems with T-Mobile before and solved it by editing APNs (default settings were wrong for me too). It's gotta be that, search for all the possible APNs that Telemach supports. They did rebrand recently so who knows something might have changed. But a word of advice, switch from Telemach, too many problems about that network everywhere as far as I've heard, especially since the rebrand...

Star II

Before you do a full reset, you could try the mobile, wifi and BT reset option in system settings

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Hey Anders, I tried and it didnt work.

Star II

Dude, I'm not the only one from Croatia here, nice! Hmm I'm on Bonbon and had no problems when I updated, but I did have similar problems with T-Mobile before and solved it by editing APNs (default settings were wrong for me too). It's gotta be that, search for all the possible APNs that Telemach supports. They did rebrand recently so who knows something might have changed. But a word of advice, switch from Telemach, too many problems about that network everywhere as far as I've heard, especially since the rebrand...

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Pozz Feljo,
I tried them all and still no internet.

Star II
I tried diferent SIM card (A1 Operater) and the internet works.
Looks like there is a problem between ASUS and Telemach.
Thanks for the help guys...

Star III
Hello, I faced a similar problem but on my side it seem the signal strength is very low. My phone didn't camp on a pla ce it camp before I upgrade to build 96. It worked well on 93.