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Rotation toggle

Star III
Is there any way to turn off the rotation toggle that is at the bottom when we change the device orientation from portrait to landscape?

Star III

I think that feature is one of the best in the UI. It's never really been annoying for me. It's something is use more often than other features

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Use gestures for few days and you will get what i am talking about.

Community Legend I

He's talking about the manual rotate toggle that appears in the bottom right when auto rotate is turned off. I think that option goes away when the buttons go away

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Thank you for the clarification. I was unaware of that functionality!

Zen Master III

Thank you for the clarification. I was unaware of that functionality!

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This is one of Google's built-in Pie features which I like a most. Or like a double tapping to multitask button to switch to the previous app which is another Google feature even since Nougat.
If it collide with Asus Gesture control, then the Asus team did not do their homework well during the development of the Asus Gesture control, because it works without any problem with Google Pill control and of course with Basic 3 buttons Navigation bar control.

It is not only problem of Asus Gesture control, which I would like to use, but cannot, because it is not compatible with Smallest width changed to 360 in Developer options (I'm very short-sighted, I need everything on the screen bigger) when using Nova Prime launcher.
I hope this will be rectified by Google's improved gesture control in Android 10.

Hall of Fame III


I am talking about this. And nooo it doesn't go away in gestures. Its very annoying. Many a times when we need to press a button at that position by mistakenly the rotation toggle button is pressed. @LP_ASUS.

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It's supposed to go away, can you please record this behavior with your screen recorder?
Are you on the .191 fw?

Star III
Yes i am on 191 fw. See screenshot.
And in the video you can see , it clearly hides the button on the bottom right which is kinda annoying