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Need a donor housing to replace parts on my ZF6

Star II
Hey there guys,
I know it isn't the right way to ask for a donor housing to replace parts in my smartphone.
Let me give you a quick brief of what happened and why I have reached forums for last remaining hope!
So, I'm from INDIA and I had an Asus 6z which I love a lot, but one day I was driving my bike and it slipped from my pocket at high speeds, hitting the device too hard on the road. Due to impact, the device lost camera, display and have a bent frame.
Currently the device is cold, but when I assemble everything and charge the device, it vibrates stating that it is still alive, but as we know that smartphones that take such impact usually end up in bootloop or a complete death.
As I have no other sources but to check the device first if it is booting and everything is fine, I need a display to do so;
Buying spare parts blindly might end me broke and getting new spare parts might get me a second hand fully functioning Asus 6z.
*** You might ask me about visiting service, I have done and they completely said to forget repairing the Asus 6Z, but I dont want to loose hope until I confirm myself that my mobo is dead. ***
As I have a lot of memories with that device, I'm looking for a donor dead Asus 6z for parts so I can check my device if it is worth repairing or not.
Please let me know if you have a dead Asus 6z, considering I'm in a state that buying new spare parts is like driving on a road at night without headlights on and leaving it at service center for complete repair makes me the most stupidest person of all time.

Rising Star II
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