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Asus 6Z restarting after call disconnection.

Star II
My asus 6z is restarting everytime i disconnect a call from main screen ... But if I minimise the call screen and disconnect the call from there... There is no restart problem


Community Legend I

After upgrading to android 10, this phone's performance had degraded to a level that phone restarts while in a call.

I lock the screen while in call as the proximity sensor sucks and at times my ear touch is counted as a touch and phone went to airplane mode due to those touches.

After locking the phone sometimes it freezes and restarts.

The trigger seems to be if I pull Phone away from my ear after locking it while in call.

Phone restarting during call.
Have you factory reset the phone since you upgraded to Android 10. You seem to be having quite a few software issues, and the easiest way to eliminate those is by performing a factory reset. This is an annoying process, but it is almost foolproof at eliminating software problems.
If you have a spare Android phone available, you can use this app to help you transfer your apps and data.
And of course be sure to back up your data before the reset.

Star III

Unfortunately, none of the affected users in this thread have specified the details under which a restart occurs after the call ends:

On which mobile network is this happening?

2G, 3G, 4G, 4G-VOLTE?

Which operator?

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You are one of the so called ' intelectual ' that I mention in the first place of feedback. I just want you to say, please stay away. If you don't have this problem, well and good... Go and do something else.
And moreover, did you use 2G for connectivity and calls in this year period. If yes, so I am. If you use 3G for same, yes I am. If you use whatever wet onions , yes I am.
This restart issue occured irrespective of network provider. If network provider might be the problem , why I intend to complaint here in Asus forum.? Instead I approach, network operator.
Do you think, all those commented here, using some other brand mobile.? Get a life. Don't protrude yourself everywhere in this forum to show you are intellectual.
Doing a factory reset, nothing did with issues. Problem is a problem whatsoever the level of infection.

Rising Star I
@Anders_ASUS even i experienced it after i disconnected call . A week ago please tell why is this happening

Zen Master III
A well-described context of issue is the key to solving it.
I asked for a mobile network and operator for a good reason, because in another thread which I mentioned in my previous post, the same error happens to another user when connected to 4G-VoLTE.
Now we know from your answer that this happens independently of the type of mobile network, which is important information.

Star III


A well-described context of issue is the key to solving it.

I asked for a mobile network and operator for a good reason, because in another thread which I mentioned in my previous post, the same error happens to another user when connected to 4G-VoLTE.

Now we know from your answer that this happens independently of the type of mobile network, which is important information.

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As you have to be aware, technically , if it's connectivity or network issue, only the mobile network restarted from disconnecting and again reconnecting. Or we need to manually select network. Never ever, in any brand of mobile or any operator, handset shouldn't and never restarted , where restart is purely a hardware reset, which could be either point triggered or chip level trigger.
That's to a case, it may be either manually we pressed restart or power exceeding of chip required by auto restart, which is a nature of certain components.