01-06-2021 10:12 AM
01-06-2021 07:07 PM
Dzaky2. Please try change with other mp3 files, which are from other sources.Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
- Model Name: Zenfone Live L2 ZA550KL
- Firmware Version: ww 15.07.2007.57
- Rooted or not: not
- Frequency of Occurrence:
- APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Google Play Music
actually maybe this is not important but Google stopped the Play Music service so I have to find another music player application and it will make memory full. Zenfone Live itself has been using Google Play Music for offline and online song players, so I hope there will be a ROM update for this problem so that the memory is not full of dead apps.
Google Play Music Problem
01-07-2021 05:21 AM
01-07-2021 07:24 AM