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Screen double tapp problem

Star I
After new OTA updated device double tap to wake up screen not working properly...some how internet speed also reduce...?


Zen Master III
Hi, we'd request you follow the below steps:
1. Internet speed depends upon your Network provider.
2. For Double Tap issue Clear cache & storage of UI.
3. Check if nothing is blocking proximity sensor 
4. Also Check under safe mode for Double Tap issue
Hold the power button for 5 seconds => When the screen flashes with option => Press & hold power option => You will get an option to restart in safe mode 
# How to enter and exit "Safe Mode"
[Phone] How to Enter and Exit Safe Mode? | Official Support | ASUS Global

Zen Master I

After new OTA updated device double tap to wake up screen not working properly...some how internet speed also reduce...?

Screen double tapp problem
Yes double tap to wakeup function doesn't work sometimes. I have to toggle it off and on again to make it work. This bug was not present in previous firmware. This new bug came in latest firmware.
Fix this issue in upcoming update- @Christine_ASUS @Anders_ASUS @ARP_ASUS

Rising Star II
Same here, facing after recent update.

Rising Star II
Asus is fixing one place and breaking another. what else are we waiting for!