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[Newbie Guide] Common Troubleshooting

Community Legend II
Hi Community,
Stepping into 21st Century is a thrilling adventure. Technologies live among us and change our world; people can watch footage of Mars on TV and order lunch on phone during the pandemic. Here is some troubleshooting listed in order so that people can initially check on their phones once they encounter any issue.
Please note that these methods may not be your final answer. This passage only provides some common ideas for at-home device checking. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to open the thread or reply others' thread in the community.

If the issue appears right after any apps' download or update...
Please try to enter "Safe Mode". If the function works well in Safe Mode yet the issue remains out of Safe Mode, please check any disturbance from installed 3rd party apps.

[Phone] How to Enter and Exit Safe Mode? | Official Support | ASUS Global
If the issue appears after the phone dropped or broke...
Please check for SMMI test: Open the Calculator> type ".12345+=">SMMI TEST>Single Test>Test the preferred option
If any of the SMMI tests fail indicates high possibility of faulty hardware. You may bring your device to the nearest ASUS repair center for device checking:
If it is impossible to access the service center during Covid-19 period, please try CallUs:

Internet or signal related issue
1. Check Settings>Network & internet>Mobile network>Preferred network type
2. Check the APN setting of your area with the local carriers
3. Settings>System>Reset options>Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth

Is performing Factory Reset necessary?
There is no harm in checking some other ways first.
(1) Safe Mode
(2) Check the Storage
(3) Check Settings>Apps & notifications>See all apps>3 dots on the top row>Reset app preferences
Still, performing the Factory Reset is a quick way to erase disturbances from the installed 3rd party apps.
Settings>System>Reset options>Erase all data(factory reset)
*Please note that once the Factory Reset is completed, all data, apps, settings and personal information will be deleted.

Again, this thread is only written for ideas sharing initial troubleshooting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask in the community with the issue details and what troubleshooting you've already done. Cheers.