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ZenFone 5 Series
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Forum Posts

Bad Video Quality on Whatsapp Video Call

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: WW_16.6015.1910.112Frequency of Occurrence: alwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: whatsappdunno why when using whatsapp and makes video call, quality of the video feels so bad compared with video recording activity usin...

Phone not fast Charging

For some reason my phone suddenly stopped fast charging. It's below 60% battery capacity but its just charging normally, also I'm using the cable and power brick that came with the phone.

Xern by Star III
  • 3 replies
  • 0 kudos

Animated Wallpaper

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: WW_16.0615.1910.112Frequency of Occurrence: N/ARooted: NoAPP Name: Third-party animated desktop wallpapers do not work on the desktop. I tried to put themes from the proprietary application, but the animatio...

Screen Touching Problem

Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: I don't know what is thisFrequency of Occurrence: Once a week or once a dayRooted: NoAPP Name: Not every time but sometimes when im trying to enter my widgets for using them, for example Google's searching s...

Bug en pleine partie de CoD

Depuis quelques jours l'application call of duty mobile plante plusieurs fois en pleine partie, " l'application a cessé de fonctionner " pourquoi?

Sem sinal de rede

APP Name: RedeModel: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: QwwFrequency of Occurrence: 1Rooted: NoMeu aparelho depois de uma atualização do fica sem serviço botei diversos chips e nada alguma solução

Unlock before unswer

APP Name: PhoneRooted: NoFrequency of Occurrence: All timeModel: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 1910.112Need to unlock phone before answer the call!? WTF ?

Brightness very low.

Rooted: NoFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysFirmware/APP Version: LatestRAM: 4GModel: ZE620KLAPP Name: CameraOk the problem when opening camera the bigness not auto bright... Last time even brightness at lowest when opening camera the brightness will in...

Kapan update buat enable VoLTE di zenfone 5Q

Model: ZC600KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 16.0610.1908.83Frequency of Occurrence: MenggangguRooted: NoAPP Name: DialerTolong dong di di enable VoLTE nya biar kalau pakai operator yg gk support 2G lagi biar bisa buat telepon...

Asus ZenFone 5 selfie

APP Name: Frequency of Occurrence: 3 times per dayRooted: NoModel: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 60150032Após atualizar para Android 9, o celular congela sem motivo aparente, so volta funcionar após hard reset.