Model: ZE620KL
Firmware/APP Version: .
Frequency of Occurrence: .
Rooted: No
APP Name:
Hello, I can not complain because I do not have time lately but the camera of the device is full of errors and very poor quality. You knowingly dropped the camera while the camera was of good quality, and now it's a disgrace.
1. Colors are not realistic: especially green shades looks like crayons, it is not pleasant. Especially skin tone is not realistic at all. He applies a pink effect and completely deteriorates this quality.
2. The camera does not focus:
After the last update, the camera does not focus, even if it does, it looks blurry or shaky after shooting.
3. Front camera should be improved:
Google camera and so on. With the apps you can get great pictures from the front camera, while I get the rezaler image from the phone's own camera. Is your conscience comfortable? I want to ask.
4. Rear camera should be improved:
I'm asking your conscience again. Is he comfortable?
because I can't talk about the quality from the rear camera where I get the best quality images. I'm taking this phone for his camera, and you're intentionally making it worse. When I say correct it, I get no. I don't want to judge your character because it's something that depends on the character. You know your own character.
5. Flash problem on camera:
When I turn on the flash in the camera settings, the flash stays on for a long time and the camera turns off. You receive white light as the image. I want to say that this problem needs to be solved, but I don't expect anything from you anymore.
You deliberately sunk the perfect device. If you're doing this to get your new devices, you're wrong. I can't get a call from a company I'm not happy about. That's why your company fails: you don't satisfy your customers. If it continues this way, you will be at the bottom, you must be. Let the company deliberately distort our happiness. Not to mention Android Q and ZenUI 6. A company that cannot software the camera application should not access the system software if necessary. Don't ruin him. I'll never take your phone again. I talked good about you, but now I'm gonna talk bad about you. You lost a customer. Are you happy?