07:33 PM
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12:49 AM
08-29-2020 07:23 PM
Owll@Owll sekarang asus zenfone 5z mas ngga bisa dpke? soalnya hp saya juga gitu, sdh di factory reset tpi malah kalau di nyalain bacannya qualcomm crash dump mode. bingung bet dah 3x dh service tobat sya pake hp asussekarang kondisi nya bagaimana apakah sudah bisa menyala? saya juga mengalami kondisi hp yang hampir sama terjadi sekitar 1-10 Agustus 2020, lagi di charge tibatiba mati begitu saja padahal sudah mau penuh. Saat dinyalakan kembali hanya sampai screen menampilkan "android" lalu mati kembali, di charge pun hanya muncul gambar battery kosong. Akhirnya dibawa ke Asus Service Center menunggu selama 2 minggu lebih ternyata harus mengganti motherboard seharga 2.5 juta + 150 ribu. Akhirnya saya batalkan dan bawa ke tempat tidak resmi. Dicoba ganti battery tidak bisa terus ganti ic pun tidak bisa dan ternyata kendala nya ada di CPU yang tidak bisa dibuka sembarang karena di lem pabrik. Di tempat service yang tidak resmi pun ada orang yang menggunakan zenfone 5 juga dan mengalami masalah yang sama. Jadi saat ini mau tidak mau diiklaskan untuk tidak nyala 🙂 selain itu ada masalah di kamera utama nya persis dengan orang-orang yang berbicara melalui zentalk yang tidak bisa fokus.
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08-30-2020 12:15 PM
08-31-2020 07:24 PM
ingrid.lie16sama hampir 7jt,ngga sempat di backup, setidaknya kmu punya bisa nyala wkwk.Okay. You bought it for 5 juta lebih.i bought this Asus Zenfone 5z for like 7 juta!!! I guess and yes it is only about 2 years of usage! Kapok udah pakai Asus juga! The first repair I had is because of the camera unable to auto focus (like others also experience this) I replaced the mmc already and around the same time as you all guys my phone started to lose signal as in it cannot detect my sim cards and it kept rebooting.
For my case it successfuly went into the OS after several boot. I managed to backup my files and did factory reset. The phone seemed to be working fine until today the problem is not yet solved. Sometimes it would lose signal again and keep rebooting.
I realised if the phone got "ketindih" around the motherboard it would lose signal somehow and keep rebooting. So we need to treat this phone like a baby. Gently.
If I put this phone inside my pants pocket and sit down on a chair it would somehow got "ketindih" again and it would lose signal again and keep rebooting. This phone is literally a baby. Omg.
I went on to delete all the not so frequently used apps to preserve the usage of this phone. A baby again..
If I didn't use it at all and just keep it on for a while and it still loses signal and rebooting unintendedly, I took off the silicone casing because I perceive the casing might have put "force" on the motherboard side. Again a baby phone.
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09-03-2020 02:55 AM
09-03-2020 03:00 AM