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ZenFone 4 Series
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Forum Posts

Can't update driver for asus ze554kl for laptop

ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 6GFirmware/APP Version: Version WW_15.0610.1901.22Frequency of Occurrence: every time I connect to my laptopRooted: NoAPP Name: my laptop (an asus k555u lol ) won't recognize my zenfone 4 kept naming my phone as either ...

Issues with the new Android Pie update

ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: WW-16.0620.1905.10Frequency of Occurrence: **Rooted: NoAPP Name: FM Radio, Camera Last edited by HenriqueP4K on 2019/6/18 12:48 I've saw Android Pie have launched today. And I have noticed some problems...

Android 9.0

ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 0Frequency of Occurrence: 0Rooted: NoAPP Name: Baixei o android 9.0, atualizei porém os icones estão muito grandes, não estou conseguindo diminui-los. Está sem ZenUi? Não consigo mudar algumas coisas qu...

Bluetooth crash

ZF Model: ZC554KLRAM: 2GFirmware/APP Version: 8.1.0Frequency of Occurrence: AlwaysRooted: NoAPP Name: BluetoothScreenshot: crashes everytime I attempt t...

Hotspot loosing settings after restart

ZF Model: ZD553KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: Latest versionFrequency of Occurrence: EverytimeRooted: NoAPP Name: Hotspot lost its saved settings like password after restart.

Android auto not working

ZF Model: ZD553KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: Latest versionFrequency of Occurrence: EverytimeRooted: NoAPP Name: Android AutoIve tried a lot of cables but android auto still wont work when plugged in through USB. BUT IT WORKS ON ASUS ZENFONE 3 SELF...

Won't download while charging

ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: Android 8.0.0Frequency of Occurrence: All of the timeRooted: NoAPP Name: Google Play StoreScreenshot:'ve had the s...


ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 1GFirmware/APP Version: Phone-15.2016.1905.514-0Frequency of Occurrence: No connectionRooted: NoAPP Name: Cannot pair bluetooth to other device

Low sound and volume

ZF Model: ZE554KLRAM: 1GFirmware/APP Version: OreoFrequency of Occurrence: All the timeRooted: NoAPP Name: Hi! After i updated the version of my asus phone to oreo, the sound and volume has been affected. Its now very low eventhough that its on a hig...

Android Pie BETA for ZB553KL sound quality

ZF Model: RAM: Firmware/APP Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: APP Name: Screenshot: Just a simplr bug report that i thought I'd let you know guys. The sound quality in the latest android pie beta update seems to be "bad" compared to android o...