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Zenfone 10 NFC problems

Star I

I just bought a new Zenfone 10, I've been using since November and I'm having problems with NFC. Most of the times it works, never had a problem in shops or supermarket readers.

My problem is about every 10 times I try at London TFL services at least 1 time it stops working at all. Sometimes before stopping it says "moved too fast" then stops, it seems like NFC option turns off but when I check it it's on. Then I switch off and on and still doesn't work. I have to restart the phone every time that happens to make it work.

I'm really disappointed, I used to have a Huawei P30 used it for 3 years, I thought zenfone 10 would be the replacement. Compact, fast and durable but it's disappointing to have BASIC system problems. If you can make phone to be all of that I mentioned above and not reliability it just doesn't worth buying it.

Plus when I'm in a call with ear phones and try to switch off the Bluetooth option on the call screen it just don't 🤷🏻‍:male_sign:.

I really hope Asus have a huge update to fix these bugs otherwise I can't keep it.



Hey @RodrigoC,

Can you please share a log?

Please follow the below steps to enable the built-in log tool (Bug reporter).
1.  Open “Calculator APP”
2.  Enter “.19595+=”
3.  Select the Log type according to the type of issue you want to capture. “General cases” will work for most issues.
4.  After your selection the log tool will exit so you can duplicate the issue or wait for it to happen. Try to use the screen recorder to show your issue when possible. If you can't screen record your issue, then please take a screenshot right after the issue has occurred (as a timestamp) so we know where to look in the log.
5.  Navigate back to the log tool via calculator and Tap "FINISH AND SHARE".
6. It takes several minutes for the log to generate. You can exit and do other stuff in the meantime. A silent notification will tell you once the process is done. Tap the notification and then the share button to upload the file to Google Drive and share the link with a moderator. Just make sure to change the permission first so that everyone with the link has permission to view it.
Note: When you're no longer planning on logging your device, enter “.09595+=” in the calculator and the log tool will stop as well as deleting all stored log files. Make sure to share via calculator. The files found in internal storage -> asus_log are not the correct files (they are only 1.2kb)