04-01-2024 11:51 AM
Since the last update(s) I still experience a lot of problems with my connectivity, especially with my bluetooth. When I open my bluetooth settings it takes a while before it opens (see the attached video). Also a bluetooth connection is slow with for example a car radio and it is shocking for approximately 1 minute.
I experience also problems with the WiFi and the VPN (for watching Dutch television in another country). Sometimes the WiFi gives not a good or even completely no connection. The VPN said it is also connected but I can not watch the television on the phone.
Another issue is the video with the original camera. It freezes sometimes.
Could you please help me with this issues?
04-08-2024 08:21 AM
Thanks for the answering, but I think this is too simple. I send my Log files and maybe it is better to look to that.
Upper suggestions are not working.
04-19-2024 02:06 AM
Hey @rbeijers,
I did submit the log, however, the R&D couldn't find any issues with the connectivity. Would it be possible for you to share another video recording of the issue?
04-21-2024 10:11 PM
Thanks for answering. I reset al the connectivity settings. It has still some connection problems, like slow bluetooth and the phone calls are not that good. I have to search the good moment to make a screen capture again. I will let you know.
Since the last update I found also out that when the keyboard is visible i can click on icons. When I click away the keyboard then it is possible...