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Photo Thread: Night Photography


Hey everyone!

Welcome to our first Zenfone 10 photo thread. Now, as the title suggests, the theme is Night Photography. It may seem challenging since less light will reach your camera sensor, but I'm sure the results will be mindblowing.

A few tips:

  • Use a tripod. Stability is key when it comes to night photography.
  • Try using the Pro mode, It'll take some time to adjust the ISO and shutter speed values to find the best balance, but the results will be spectacular.
  • If the Pro mode seems like a hassle, use the night mode. If you aren't sure how to take the perfect night-mode picture, check out our guide on night-mode photography.


  1. All the photos must be clicked using a Zenfone.
  2. Keep it friendly and respectful.
  3. One photo per post, but feel free to make multiple posts.
  4. Let this be a learning experience for everyone, so please add what settings you used and what you preferred.

Star III

Lamp pole at night, stock cam, auto night mode


Nice picture. 😀

Star III

Previously had cheap phone so night photos were bad, but this really surprised me in positive way (unlike daytime photos). It was really dark after sun already set and the photo turned out to be great.


It does look pretty good.😀

Still a beginner here, but perhaps this is nice enough.