Today I went to the store and changed the Asus for a Lenovo. ASUS should be ashamed of this. Asus did not make a statement or collected the equipments with the problem. This is a big no for any product of Asus from my side
jakobbroe posted on 2019/12/9 16:45
Thank you for that suggestion. I will try to update my bios now and hopefully it will fix the prob ...
Unfortunately it was good just for a few hours...the problem is still here. Is Asus doing something about it?
patriciaoliveira1174 posted on 2019/12/9 01:31
I recently bought a unit and had the same was very disapointing... but after a BIOS upd ...
It was just for a few's doing the same right now. Is Asus doing something about this b...
I recently bought a unit and had the same was very disapointing... but after a BIOS update the trackpad problem has gone (hope that for good).