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This is the last phone that I will have bought from Asus (and probably Android too)

Rising Star II
Hey whats up!?
So since 1 week ago I've been experiencing battery issues (again) with my phone. I was havig great battery life (10hrs+) until 1 week ago that, for some unknown reason, the battery started to drain a lot faster (hardly reaching the 6hrs of use). I didn't download any app or started using other apps ever since that started to happend, so I trully do not know what's going on.
But aside from that, I've also been facing another (new) issue with the phone that makes the screen do not wake up when I press the wake up/turn on button on the side of the phone. I have to press it severl times for the screen to light up and allow me to unlock it. That's been happening to me for the past 2 or 3 months and it's very annoying. Couldn't find any other fix rather than reseting the phone to 0 (which I'm not going to do for the third time after I had to reset the phone when I installed the extremely buggy A10 to go back to A9).
That issue in conjunction with others, like the problems with the AirTriggers not even a phone reset fixed or the Red Tint screen issue made me decide that this is the last Asus phone I ever buy. And probably my next phone will be again, an iPhone. I'm facing a lot of issues that literally I've never faced with the last Apple phone I bought (iPhone X).
I'm so sorry for Asus, really. This phone had a huge potential but the software ruined it.

Rising Star II
Like for a 6000mah battery phone, 2Hrs and 16mins for 37% of battery under WIFI all the time, with brightness set to 1/4 is worse than pathetic.

Star III


Like for a 6000mah battery phone, 2Hrs and 16mins for 37% of battery under WIFI all the time, with brightness set to 1/4 is worse than pathetic.

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Now it is taking less time to fully charge the battery. Before 1hr 45mins with hypercharge and now it is taking only 1hr 15mins. Are you also experiencing the same issue?

Rising Star II

Now it is taking less time to fully charge the battery. Before 1hr 45mins with hypercharge and now it is taking only 1hr 15mins. Are you also experiencing the same issue?

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I never used the fast charger of the phone, never. Fast charging the battery on the long term isn´t healthy for the phone as many investigations and tests have proven. I use a common chrger.