@Christine_ASUS Manish from asus contacted me and explained about the air trigger issue,he told me that as my lcd module hand dent on it service center couldn't attach the left air tirgger properly to the phone as result my left air trigger is malfunctioning ,when I asked him that I had dent on display and left trigger used to work fine before taking it the service center he told me that before servicing it was assembled and fixed in a factory so I had no issue even with the dent ,but as service center repiared the phone by hand there's no way to attach the left trigger properply without replacing it with a new lcd module for which I should pay about 16k
Even when left trigger issue might be due to hand repair by the service center due to the dent ,they said I have pay for it then they will take responsibility to fix the trigger with a new lcd module
I guess there's nothing that myself or service centre or asus can do about it,so I have to forget the left trigger exists and it's alright
I hope they will fix my RGB logo
Thanks again Christine ☺️