Why in the world can you customize what it shows everywhere except on screen off for the ROG 9 Pro? That's where it makes the most sense. Any future plans to enable that?
Hello @brettpalmer89
As far as I know there are no talks of this but will submit your suggestion to the team.
That's too bad. I was very disappointed in the level of customization it held. The fact that you cant even choose how fast the images change or fade out also seems bad. It's jarring to see the images change so quickly. Also there's no option for a static image that doesn't change either. I just feel like it wasn't every well thought out. I hope they put some more thought into the customization.
Friday - last edited Friday
hello, could you let the developers know that there is a problem with the touch response, that there is a delay in movement in games, and if they would give the option of 90hz screen, and also that there is no movement accuracy in the settings in game mode in the touch sensitivity section, and maybe that is the problem about the delay, there is a noticeable difference compared to rog 7, I tried it with the same settings in codm and in pubg and firelight and I see a smaller delay there on rog 9, on esport games no one would use that phone because of that