01-06-2025 11:33 AM
Hello everone,
Any one can provide me the ROG 7 Ultimate software file 33.0820.0810.241 but not from MEGA server as its not working with me.
The full name of the software is UL-ASUS_AI2205-ASUS-33.0820.0810.241-1.1.195-2312-user.zip
Thank you in advance
01-07-2025 07:08 AM
What is your current ROG 7 software version installed in your device bro?
01-07-2025 07:53 AM
I have latest Android 14 software 34.1010.0820.90
Air trigger not working correctly, so I read that latest version have issue and I want downgrade
The software file I find it in the website only in MEGA server that not working with me I do t know its from the server or from my network.
01-07-2025 08:08 AM
You can't find .241?
01-07-2025 08:13 AM
I find it here: https://xdaforums.com/t/download-rog-7-firmware-to-upgrade-from-217-to-241.4646696/page-2
But i cannot download it