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Latest update .70 makes my M-BCA, WhatsApp always force close

Star II

Hi, after I updated the latest software (.70) makes my M-BCA and WhatsApp always force close. 

How to fix it?


How come we install a unknow APP ? i dont know what is inside that ..why dont just Asus give a mew update?whats going on here?can you explain more?  

Do whatever that's needed! I am also a very disappointed user like you. Go to the following thread and there is another link in which the community manager posted that app.  After reading , if you still don't want to install then DON'T.

By the way , make it viral if you can because we all have so many other issues here like overheating , fps drop , and so on that has not been given an update not solved by Asus.

My question is Why Just fix the update by updating the System update why need to do like that?How about others users that dont knoe about this step?

Dude, just read the threads.