08-16-2024 03:02 AM
After Android 14 OS update everyone knows what happened. One of the thing also involved was decrease in audio quality and loudness. My phone speakers were so much less audio that for watching YouTube videos outside was impossible. I don't usually use speaker much but now something happened to this fuc_king **bleep** phone's bottom speaker and now it's making robotic like sound.
If I had some money to spear I literally would had made a youtube video of crushing this **bleep** phone under a road roller.
08-16-2024 05:30 AM
I have the same problem in my mobile and the option to do Dawngrade is 70 less, what can I do? Asus is not making the Dawngrade file available at all.
3 weeks ago
As we known , they won't create any way for us to downgrade. Even not unlocking officially BL.