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Successfully unlock the key mapping feature without using any accessories on ROG Phone 5s.

Star II

I was able to successfully unlock the key mapping feature without using any accessories. Now I can play games with any keyboard and mouse and a generic usb-c hub. 

I also discovered some other interesting things...

Why didn't Asus make a system update for the phone to be already unlocked for everyone?


denedim şimdi ben oldu ama oyuna giriyorum bu adamdaki gibi aktif olmuyor anlamadım 

Star I

Please can you share how did you unlock key mapping? 

Can you share that script and explain where to run this? 


First we need to enable "USB DEBUG" in the phone's developer options.
Now we need to install "ADB" on the computer and then plug the phone into the usb port and trust the device. With adb installed and the device trusted, we can now run the following command:
"adb shell setprop sys.asus.donglestate_GV_PD 2".
The property value can be either 2 or 3. This "identifies" the Asus Dock and tells the system that it is connected. Depending on the phone model, there may be a variation of the property, it can be: "vendor.asus.donglestate_GV_PD" or "sys.asus.donglestate_GV_PD", in my case the second option corresponds to my ROG PHONE 5S phone.
The command needs to be run again in case you shut down or restart your phone.

Contents of my script:
bash -c "adb shell setprop 'sys.asus.donglestate_GV_PD' 2"

My phone has Android 12 and everything works normally.

It doesn't need root or anything like that, it just simulates what would likely happen when plugging in the Professional Dock.

Now you can use your dock or usb-c hub with keyboard and mouse and be happy.

This is also possible to do directly on the phone using "Local ADB" but it is a bit more complicated.

Comment if it worked or not.

Thanks. 😉