06-12-2021 03:56 PM
06-20-2021 02:02 AM
06-20-2021 12:39 PM
06-21-2021 12:24 AM
thejus44I agree some aspects of the OS are quite unoptimized which lead to battery drain.Lol guys I have another experiment we could try out........ Its crazy, now I am the one with the battery issue I believe.
My battery works perfectly normal otherwise, but only when I use Signal it takes a HUGE nosedive, I made a post about it here: https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/49783/voice-call-on-signal-chugs-battery-life-on-rog-phone-5/... TL;DR - I think the mobile radios are horribly unoptimized, which is what caused this. But this is a one-off situation, I don't think I could replicate it if I were to not use mobile data for heavy amounts of time. Anybody else notice a similar drain when you're using mobile data only?
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06-21-2021 12:26 AM
06-22-2021 11:42 PM