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Rog 5 throttle fiesta

Hall of Fame I
Iphone 12 throttling less than the so called "revolutionary redesigned cooling" on the Rog5.
meanwhile the Rog 3:
I literally cannot believe that the passive cooling capabilities of the Rog5 is apparently worse than an Iphone 12.

Zen Master I
Thunder Demon

And that iphone 12 after just 30 minutes in genshin throttles performance and overrides brightness manually lower just with a little heat smh and the battery life while gaming is terrible no triggers,jack (bt latency) or no gaming features suck more while playing on an iPhone

The point being after latest ota most bugs have been fixed (I won't say 100% as it's android afterall) and you'll always have posts on any Zentalk section or any forums so no point actively looking for articles here unless you genuinely have some issues your device

For the general audience Rog 5 might very well be among the best 888 devices (redmagic has better stability but way more cons and it's DOA outside certain regions)

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It takes way less than 30 minutes for the iPhone to throttle,but the rest you said are facts
Also no,the people who like Rog 5,like it and consider it the best because of aesthetic,the RGB etc,not because of performance
It is literally the worst 888 gaming phone,and it can be compared to messes like s21 and mi11 which have terrible gaming performance due to throttling
(On Samsung's case is something different but still counts)

Hall of Fame I

It takes way less than 30 minutes for the iPhone to throttle,but the rest you said are facts

Also no,the people who like Rog 5,like it and consider it the best because of aesthetic,the RGB etc,not because of performance

It is literally the worst 888 gaming phone,and it can be compared to messes like s21 and mi11 which have terrible gaming performance due to throttling

(On Samsung's case is something different but still counts)

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In terms of emulation the Mi11 literally outperforms the Rog5, has been tested by techutopia.

Rising Star II

Ank ajg km byk omong bgsat sir

That's a harder issue 😂

Before is fine 😉

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@Anders_ASUS @ARP_ASUS @Gustav_ASUS Pls ban him for totally no respect and swearing to other

"Ank ajg km byk omong bgsat sir" mean in literally is "u dog puppy talk too much bastard"

Zen Master II

@Anders_ASUS @ARP_ASUS @Gustav_ASUS Pls ban him for totally no respect and swearing to other

"Ank ajg km byk omong bgsat sir" mean in literally is "u dog puppy talk too much bastard"

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Ank placur lo
Bad english translation
You lie hmm

Rising Star II

Ank placur lo

Bad english translation

You lie hmm

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And now he said "son of a bitch"