07-26-2021 02:27 PM
07-27-2021 06:03 AM
07-27-2021 06:20 AM
SdmThat's doesn't make it worse mate,it just gives the phone a chance to have a bit of quality within itTo make it worse now rgb will automatically turn off when open camera app
They should add option to allow it to turn on when open camera app
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07-27-2021 07:08 AM
DanishbluntAnd that iphone 12 after just 30 minutes in genshin throttles performance and overrides brightness manually lower just with a little heat smh and the battery life while gaming is terrible no triggers,jack (bt latency) or no gaming features suck more while playing on an iPhone
Iphone 12 throttling less than the so called "revolutionary redesigned cooling" on the Rog5.
meanwhile the Rog 3:
I literally cannot believe that the passive cooling capabilities of the Rog5 is apparently worse than an Iphone 12.
Rog 5 throttle fiesta
07-27-2021 07:10 AM
quangchuot1509Ank ajg km byk omong bgsat sirhttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/178459#Comment_178459
they have written "using the camera will temporarily turn off the light effect to ensure photo quality", that mean they already known about that issue, you just have to wait for new firmware and checkout if they have fixed it or make your own post about this issue. Don't just copy the same sentence and post it everywhere even in someone else post. It's very annoying!
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DanishbluntThat's a harder issue 😂https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/178459#Comment_178459
Rgb not working on camera app to ruin ur image is apparently an issue on par with a gaming phone that throttles harder than an iphone 🤣
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GREEKLEADERBefore is fine 😉https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/178459#Comment_178459
That's doesn't make it worse mate,it just gives the phone a chance to have a bit of quality within it
Imagine having an even worse camera paired with even worse performance
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07-27-2021 08:40 AM
Thunder DemonI fail to see how the Rog5 is more attractive than other 888 devices. Also by your blind fanboyism you completely ignored the fact that the Iphone still throttles less, all things you have mentioned are acceptable as the Iphone is not a gaming phone, while the Rog5 is an advertised gaming phone that gets consistently rekt by last gen phones.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/51118/rog-5-throttle-fiesta
And that iphone 12 after just 30 minutes in genshin throttles performance and overrides brightness manually lower just with a little heat smh and the battery life while gaming is terrible no triggers,jack (bt latency) or no gaming features suck more while playing on an iPhone
The point being after latest ota most bugs have been fixed (I won't say 100% as it's android afterall) and you'll always have posts on any Zentalk section or any forums so no point actively looking for articles here unless you genuinely have some issues your device
For the general audience Rog 5 might very well be among the best 888 devices (redmagic has better stability but way more cons and it's DOA outside certain regions)
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