05-25-2021 10:49 PM
06-13-2021 08:17 AM
06-13-2021 08:32 AM
06-13-2021 08:35 AM
@Anna-Kin as per your request here is the data you requested for. Honestly seeing this, i am still not convinced that the battery health is poor in my case as i have been getting consistent SOT of 9+ since 4 days i had purchased the phone. I am currently using Dynamic Mode. Previously i had extracted 11hrs SOT with Advanced Mode. I guess the app is not at all accurate in its information. If my battery health is so poor i would have achieved those big numbers. And yes,as i had mentioned earlier i guess you need to tweak here and there.
Note- I use 60Hz only. So this can be another factor why i get good numbers 😂.
Perhaps the moderators here can further help you out on this.
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06-13-2021 08:37 AM
ReaperzwolfAs I see you used Duo for 1.2 hours and it took just 25% of your charge, whereas when I used Duo for 13 Mins in one of my prior SSs, it took 18%.Btw @Anna-Kin you have been using the phone since 23 hrs is what i realised from your last 100% charge. I guess thats good if i am not mistaken. But given the SS of my stats which i shared before (25%) , it seems i utilised more of my phone than yours, wherein i can say that you got some bad battery backup going on in your case.
Note- I used Dynamic mode for the 25% SS which i had shared.
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06-13-2021 08:38 AM
ReaperzwolfAnd Thank you for your help 😊https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/171404#Comment_171404
Because he hardly used his phone. It was on standby 🤣. Check his SOT and also the apps he used. Hardly any app to drain his battery. If even i keep my phone on standby or just rarely use any app my phone will last for 3 days🤗
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