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Разряд батареи

Star I
Asus rog phone 5s плохая оптимизации батареи. Месяц ещё не прошел как уже заметно что не держит да этого был rog ll держал долго а тут чёт прям не держит как горка вниз даже на графике видно

Star I
Видно склон как на Эвересте

Rising Star I
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt nunc non erat luctus, vel tincidunt sem rhoncus. Nulla congue enim leo, ac efficitur erat sollicitudin iaculis. Donec nibh lorem, vulputate ut eros eu, tristique consectetur libero. Morbi blandit eros eu justo efficitur aliquam. Nam suscipit fermentum ex, a hendrerit mi porttitor sit amet. Nullam euismod sagittis varius. Sed pellentesque dui odio, vitae interdum mi mollis in. Proin ac lectus vestibulum mauris ullamcorper tempor eget id nisl. Nullam tincidunt erat dui, eget tincidunt elit sollicitudin eu.
Solution: Post in english

Zen Master I
Hi @zloibot161
Please keep your posts in English so that we can understand your comments here 😉
Regarding battery optimization you can try the following steps:
Go to system settings -> battery -> powermaster -> auto-start manager and prevent all the apps to auto start that you don't need a notification from.
Also you can try this:
Go to system settings -> advanced -> Mobile Manager -> Memory cleaner -> Turn on Super Clean mode -> enter app list and uncheck any app that you must get notifications from -> go back -> open recent apps overview and press clear all.
And I could also recommend restart your device more often. It solves more issues than you would think.
And lastly if you haven't done it already would be to enable to schedule saving power to mode "ultra durable" for when you go to sleep.
I hope this improves your battery levels 🙂