03:56 PM
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02:08 AM
01-06-2021 09:51 AM
nightmaster552Yes,it is a file called active.sav,search for it on YouTubehttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/145344#Comment_145344
I think I want to test Pubg and see how it runs on my phone. Heard 90fps can now be simply activated by changing a config file, so far true?
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01-06-2021 10:33 AM
GREEKLEADERFound configs and such but they all cap at HDR 90fps. As soon as I try to ultra HD it gets back to 30fps lmao.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/145346#Comment_145346
Yes,it is a file called active.sav,search for it on YouTube
But don't forget to set the game on ultra HD before hand,it took me a while to crack it and have both on lobby and on match 90 FPS
But if you have any questions,feel free to ask for a guide,I can give you what I know or at least what I used
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01-06-2021 11:06 AM
01-07-2021 11:13 PM
nightmaster552Can you share that active.sav file which runs pubg with ultra hd + 90fpsSo yeah can confirm the game runs at 90fps stable without any drops even at ultra HD with water reflection on (which disabled AA which is kinda poop)
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01-08-2021 04:34 AM
SaifuddinGo on YouTube and search for any tutorial that specifically says 90 FPS on any device,then follow it step by step and you will understand better how to change the valueshttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/145364#Comment_145364
Can you share that active.sav file which runs pubg with ultra hd + 90fps
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