10-11-2020 08:33 PM
10-19-2020 11:50 AM
hank_email_isIts like 43 degrees. And its not normal. Moreover im talking about charging phone when idle. Not doing anything just charging.What is overheating? Is it like 38C? If so that is ok, but just feel hot to your hand.
I actually blow a fan to the phone when charging, keeping temperature at 31C
Rog has a good heatsink, you just need something to remove it quickly like a fan
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10-19-2020 11:52 AM
devicentextianNot everphone. Atleast not by charging only. If u charge and use your phone then may be but charging when phone is idling. It heats like 43 degrees crazyPhone can heat up to 45 degrees some fast charging phone heat up to 60-70 degrees
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10-19-2020 11:52 AM
kashifi786rNo return accepted by asus.I would return it if I were you mine is on same version and is not having issues it gets max 33 degrees while charging, it could be a fire hazard due to faulty components
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