Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:Rog 3 16/512
Firmware Version:.99
Rooted or not:Not
Frequency of Occurrence:Optional
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):Genshin Impact 1.0
Everyone,this video link I posted is a stress test of Genshin impact 1.0 version (before the update) at max graphics and how the Rog phone 3 handles it
I have overclocked the chip with EVERYTHING on max red,More than Lv 3,With the cooler on level 3 and you can see that it keeps the FPS on 50-60 for a long time even at a high temperature which by the way it's the max it can go,and you will see there is no stutter or severe throttling like other phones
The frame drops you will see are from the recording and not the game itself so if you are going to do the same stress test,you will notice better results
And be sure I currently can't send links you'll have to copy paste it on youtube
Check my video out just to see the power of THE BEST phone performance wise and ease your worries about its health
I will do more stress tests in the future so keep an eye out for my posts
The Scenario profile is posted on the Rog connect community in my post so if you want it go get it