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ROG 3 suffers from heavy black crush issue

Star III
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:ROG
Firmware Version:
Rooted or not:not
Frequency of Occurrence:QKQ1.200419.002. WW_Phone-17.0823.2007.25
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):netflix,amazon prime india ,youtube(little bit)
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
I have brought device August 12 ,2020 through flipkart first sale at 6auhust. I was very happy until i open netflix ,it has vert bad black crush issue even at full brightness ,in 50pecent brightness colour washed out heavy black crush issue is this hardware or software issue??anyway im just gonna refund ....but i asked some of YouTubers they have none issue ,but for fellow customers only have this😓. I decided to live with this but some of units have no issue why i wanna live with this issue for years so i try to get refund and but 12gb varient.
In YouTube crush issue is little low when compared to netflix and amazon prime ,rather than that this dev is beast 😍
I have noticed heat in aero active coller side(40°to43°) always while playing pupg at 90hz,balanced,extream . although I'm staying in AC room 22°c all time!


993 REPLIES 993

Star III
Good for you .. I am not here to persuade you to buy note 20 .. Rather the issue with the display in ROG3 .. Probably I was one of the early ones to raise the issue (20200816-202359.jpg). If there is a hardware issue, noway to get a refund, unless ASUS gives an official statement. If you are happy good for you .. I am saying others who are absolutely paranoid about display, this is not the phone for them.. I agree on the speaker system (but no distortion at higher volumes pretty loud and better than my earlier s9+ and the stereo separation is better than rog3), but at the same time it makes up for it with its really an awesome camera.. punch hole is something an OCD for you I guess (personal preference).

Star III

Good for you .. I am not here to persuade you to buy note 20 .. Rather the issue with the display in ROG3 .. Probably I was one of the early ones to raise the issue (20200816-202359.jpg). If there is a hardware issue, noway to get a refund, unless ASUS gives an official statement. If you are happy good for you .. I am saying others who are absolutely paranoid about display, this is not the phone for them.. I agree on the speaker system (but no distortion at higher volumes pretty loud and better than my earlier s9+ and the stereo separation is better than rog3), but at the same time it makes up for it with its really an awesome camera.. punch hole is something an OCD for you I guess (personal preference).

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Ah ok I see
Rog 3 speakers are the absolute best I've heard on a phone and it actually has bass!
And considering you pay 1lakh I expect the absolute best performance and camera at that point 👀
The main downside is Exynos
It's very weak compared to 865/+
At 1lakh it's not acceptable imo
Exynos 990 is an very underpowered SoC compared to 865 and has thermal issues (mainly gpu department)
Rog 3 is much more value for money in all areas

Star III
Thunder Demon

Ah ok I see

Rog 3 speakers are the absolute best I've heard on a phone and it actually has bass!

And considering you pay 1lakh I expect the absolute best performance and camera at that point 👀

The main downside is Exynos

It's very weak compared to 865/+

At 1lakh it's not acceptable imo

Exynos 990 is an very underpowered SoC compared to 865 and has thermal issues (mainly gpu department)

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Am not much of a gamer .. I had bough the ROG3 mainly for Good battery and CPU/GPU performance (Non Chinese alternative).. But due to these issues, I had to get a refund and go for note series.. If you dont see an issue , as I said very happy for you ..
Also I couldn't bear the green tint in a switched off display against light . Just check if you see an issue with rainbow effect on the border of the screen.
Also Exynos is plenty for my usage scenario.

Star III

Good for you .. I am not here to persuade you to buy note 20 .. Rather the issue with the display in ROG3 .. Probably I was one of the early ones to raise the issue (20200816-202359.jpg). If there is a hardware issue, noway to get a refund, unless ASUS gives an official statement. If you are happy good for you .. I am saying others who are absolutely paranoid about display, this is not the phone for them.. I agree on the speaker system (but no distortion at higher volumes pretty loud and better than my earlier s9+ and the stereo separation is better than rog3), but at the same time it makes up for it with its really an awesome camera.. punch hole is something an OCD for you I guess (personal preference).

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Zen Master I

Believe me , once I got my hands burnt with ROG3, I really tried hard to find the issues with the display on note 20 ultra.. Couldn't find it .. Also How many people are raising this issue vs ROG3 ? ROG3 was not at all watchable, try watching the movie "project power " (netflix) on ROG3, it was horrible to watch (even with screen balance app).. The issue is real. if its only a software issue, I am happy for you all .. If not, then living with this issue is gonna be unbearable. I may have an OCD towards display issue, but this is my opinion.

Also when you pay 95K (which is what i paid with an offer), you are bound to have people with even more insane expectation (battery is an issue for me though). Just an honest opinion.

Below attached pictures shows how the note 20 ultra handles tricky darker videos.



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Yeah,I can still see some black, grey patches in 2nd screen shot of your note 20 ultra but very less compared to rog 3 , you're right , you've paid 95k for that and your black crush issue is almost gone but I gotta tell you 95k is still a huge amount when you're paying for an Exynos 990 which performs like crap and eats up battery, I really would've loved your choice if the note 20 ultra was from US which has sd865 plus then spending 95k on US version would more than justifiable but honestly samsung is just backstabbing us with Exynos 990 ,I can't really believe US users get to enjoy the top notch perfomance and superb battery life while other country users get to live with the Exynos 990 crap
And others country users even pay same amount for an underperformer

Do check out Jack's video where he shines the light on the truth about Exynos vs sd865 plus