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Gaming genie floating window stops working

Star II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:ROG_PHONE 3
Firmware Version:ww_17.0823.2009.99
Rooted or not:not
Frequency of Occurrence: by me
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):gaming genie
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc. Bh
My gaming genie floating window is keep crashing again and again otherwise erything else is fine. Kindly plz give me some fix


Community Legend I

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:

  1. Model Name:ROG_PHONE 3
  2. Firmware Version:ww_17.0823.2009.99
  3. Rooted or not:not
  4. Frequency of Occurrence: by me
  5. APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):gaming genie

In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc. Bh


My gaming genie floating window is keep crashing again and again otherwise erything else is fine. Kindly plz give me some fix


Gaming genie floating window stops working
You are in the ROG 2 forum. This happened to ROG 2 for Android 9 users and to get around it was to uninstall the updates made in Play Store. This is probably because the latest version of Game Genie uses new Google libraries but couldnt use it.
You should post in the ROG 3 forum, but you can try uninstallingvthe updates to see if it works while you are waiting for a permanent fix.
The ROG 3 forum is here: