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Black crush Issue after updating to 17.0823.2008.70

Rising Star I
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: RoG 3
Firmware Version:17.0823.2008.70
Rooted or not:no
Frequency of Occurrence: always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): every app
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
I was not facing black crush issue in .58, but as soon as I updated my phone to .70 version , i am facing high black crush issue, screen is pathetic now, can't even watch movies on this screen. Help me to revert back to .58 firmware, or please fix the issue ASAP!
@Anders_ASUS @Gustav_ASUS @ARP_ASUS @TITAN @Laura_ASUS @Titan_ASUS

Rising Star II
You can download the earlier .58 firmware and flash it. But you can wait for a mod to reply.

Star III
Yea, convinced is hardware issue, those without black crush issue probably get screwed from fixes meant for defect panel. I'm observing large difference between device as well.

Community Legend II
Hi @rajwedhikar,
Can you share a screenshot or a video so that we can look how bad it is for you.
Many people have updated to .70 and the experience is better for them.
Do not with every update the fine tuning is being made to the overall experience so further updates will make the experience better.

Star III

Yea, convinced is hardware issue, those without black crush issue probably get screwed from fixes meant for defect panel. I'm observing large difference between device as well.

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After thinking and comparison, I found out that a issue appeared in me after a certain update because I did not suffer from any issues with the screen after buying the phone. I had problems after a week or two. Perhaps there are sound units affected by an update and led to the emergence of the issue, which led to the emergence of the issue in most units
From this note, I think that the problem varies between devices, some are software and some are hardware