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ROG Phone 3
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Forum Posts

Network connection failed. Stop recording- ROG Phone 3

I have been using Game Genie for last few months for live streaming games in YouTube and it has been working fine so far upto last day evening. But since today, I'm not able to stream via game Genie app. The error says "network connection failed. sto...

Kaatan by Star I
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Resolved! Rog phone 3 refresh rate

 i can't change the refresh rate and it's say not available the refresh rate just stuck at 60hz and can't be changed. What should I do to fix the problem? Please help

Joques by Star I
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Resolved! Mobile doesn't start up

I have been using my mobile rog3 and it shuts down as it has been completely drained out of battery. When I plugged it back in the red led light blinks continuously which is an indication of complete battery drain. I understood that and let the phone...

Lightning armor case stop working

I just cleaned my lightning armor case for my rog 3 as usual, but now it wont detect..Nfc is automatically turned on when attached like always, but nothing happens..No theme notification n back led not turned on..Phone nfc still works fine as it can ...

Razgriz by Rising Star II
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NFC Not Working

ROG Phone III31.0210.0210.309Not RootedEver since latest updateHi there! Ever since the update dropped, NFC works very rarely for my ROG Phone III. I occasionally get NFC working after a restart, but it stops working after a few minutes, and most res...

dqle by Star I
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Asus rog phone 3

DO NOT A ROG PHONE 3 in Australia. It's official rog phone 3 dose not even work in Australia anymore no volte settings on any network in Australia this doesn't even work in 5g standalone dose not even ring out I had tested it on Tesla and Optus and V...

Sussx by Star III
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Fortnite não está rodando no rog 3, mais alguém com esse problema? Está a 20 FPS as vezes sai no meio da partida, e as vezes nem inicia. Alguma dica? Em um outro smartphone inferior ao Rog 3 roda 路