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ROG Phone 3
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Forum Posts

A Phone Permission Question after A11 Update

I succesfully updated to A11 and everything fine so far, but every time after a fresh new installation I'm checking all default Phone Permissions and found out that this two permissions weren't there in A10, but are in A11.The first apk is "CarrierDe...


Why you should upgrade to A11 ASAP.

I posted this on my discord and feel like it should be known everywhere.The most important note tho, upgrade to Android 11 as soon as possible. ASUS has not been very good at updating the A10 kernel drivers and such due to the work they did on A11, d...

Kunai 3 Gamepad Fix Recommendations (Diagonal / Emulators)

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name:Firmware Version:Rooted or not:Frequency of Occurrence:APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to information above, please also provide as much det...

jin_akira by Rising Star I
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media storage draining battery

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: rog phone 3Firmware Version: ww_18.0410.2106.138Rooted or not: noFrequency of Occurrence: alwaysAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): media storageIn additi...

Android 12 Performance uplift

16% multicore performance uplift remember to upvote this if you want A12 on Rog3:

New Update

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: ROG Phone 3Firmware Version: 18.0410.2106.138Rooted or not: notFrequency of Occurrence:APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): New updateIn addition to inform...


4K 60 fps Video Recording Stutter

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: asus rog 3Firmware Version: Android 11 138Rooted or not: notFrequency of Occurrence:APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to information above, p...

Sound quality in Android 11, need to improve?

Hi all. In the end I installed android 11 manually since the OTA did not reach me. After testing it well, I have noticed that the audio from the speakers has decreased in quality compared to A10. The basses distort a lot, you don't feel that "boom" e...

Jesp_r by Rising Star II
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