Rising Star I


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RoG Phone 3, or 4, or 5 or any future Asus RoG Device, I read a lot online that many customers are still unhappy why you still don't offer VoLTE in many european Countries, especially in Germany?? Neither for RoG or Zen Phones. I like your Phones, bu...
I contacted my Provider (o2) and they told me, that VoLTE is activated in my contract, but I never had the Option listed in the Settings, it didn't mather which Android Version I had or now have. Also every time I'm calling someone my 5G Network decr...
Hallo,ich wollte mich mal erkundigen, ob es VoLTE auch in Deutschland gibt?? Ich lese in diversen Foren ( und auch hier im Englisch Sprachigen Forum ), dass viele VoLTE für eine bessere Sprachqualität aktivieren, allerdings habe ich diese Option gar ...
No see-through Notification Bar also everything grey at the edge the most stupid thing if nothing is opened, just everything grey instead of transparentIf this all are just new Android 12 Design Choices than I would like to know what the decision wa...
Asus ROG Phone 6 VS Asus ROG Phone 5 VS Asus ROG Phone 3 - YouTubeNo need to upgrade, I even can't say if it's not more a Downgrade ( except the Headphone Jack )